Tuesday, May 29, 2007

no title


The Strokes - You Only Live Once

Neat! I need to see that movie sometime. (via Darling Furball)

Sunday, May 27, 2007

ps just kidding

P.S., just kidding!

Sunday, May 27, 2007

The Smashing Pumpkins' new album

The Smashing Pumpkins’ new album

I just heard about this. Also, the first single is circulating. It’s… good, I think!

This is technically only half of the Smashing Pumpkins (no D’arcy, no Iha). Oh well, take what you can get. I wonder if this will last.

(via Nall’s away message) 

Friday, May 25, 2007

Dell's first three Ubuntu PCs

Dell’s first three Ubuntu PCs

Here they are. Slightly cheaper than Windows equivalents, but that’s not really the reason for getting one, is it?

Glaring error in their copy:

Ubuntu is a community developed, Linux-based operating system. It’s also one of the most popular open source operating system (sic) on the planet.

I’m sure if they had put some effort into that, they could have made it sound more appealing, and, er… grammatical.

Update: here’s something I didn’t notice at first:

Dell provides hardware support only. Software support is available through Canonical and Linux Community.

Dell helpfully offers to add software support to your shopping cart: $65 for 30 days, $125 for 1 year ‘Basic’, $275 for 1 year ‘Standard’. All three will presumably get you a direct line to Canonical, the company that created Ubuntu. Expensive.

Friday, May 25, 2007

iGoogle's themes are really nice

iGoogle’s themes are really nice

I only just tried out the ‘themes’ feature of Google’s personalised homepage, now called iGoogle. They’re really nicely done. Apparently they change based on the time of day, too!

I don’t really care about the functionality of the page, but it’s nice to look at. I’m making it my new start page.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Yet another release of Lego Star Wars

Yet another release of Lego Star Wars

This one combines both previous games (covering all 6 movies) with some extras, and will be for the systems that haven’t yet had any version: 360, PS3, Wii. And a new DS version, since the original was apparently full of bugs.

Lightsabre battles with the Wiimote sounds fun, if they do it well.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Tumblr comments!

Whew! I’ve done it: I hacked up a comments add-on to Tumblr (which powers this site). Later, I may cobble it together in the form of an open-source package, or at least explain how I did it (it’s fairly hackish, involving JavaScript). For now, though, why not leave a comment to this post, just because you can? :)

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Joost 0.10.3 released

Joost 0.10.3 released

The ‘Now for Friends’ tagline for this release apparently refers the the ability to send people links directly to shows or channels (yay, I guess?) - here’s a link to Adult Swim, for example.

Very little else has changed, but it still deletes all of my preferences (i.e., the channels I picked for my lineup) when I upgrade to the new version, as it has with every new version.

There’s also now even trashier content than before (‘Sports Illustrated Swimsuit on Demand’? WTF?) that is causing my hope for the service to wane.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

starcraft2.com's source code is really interesting

To a web designer, I mean. I got curious when I saw that their pages all end in ’.xml’. I figured they were just being cheeky, but when I checked, they’re actually throwing XML (not XHTML!) documents at you!

For a page such as http://www.starcraft2.com/faq.xml, the entirety of the source code is this:

<?xml version=“1.0” encoding=“UTF-8”?>
<?xml-stylesheet type=“text/xsl” href=“/layout/faq.xsl”?>

<page lang=“en_us”>

 Then in /layout/faq.xsl, you’ve got stuff like this (just an excerpt):

    <dt><xsl:value-of select=“$loc/strs/str[@id=‘sc2.faq.basics.q1’]”/></dt>
    <dd><p><xsl:value-of select=“$loc/strs/str[@id=’sc2.faq.basics.a1’]”/></p></dd>
    <dt><xsl:value-of select=“$loc/strs/str[@id=’sc2.faq.basics.q2’]”/></dt>
    <dd><p><xsl:value-of select=“$loc/strs/str[@id=’sc2.faq.basics.a2’]”/></p></dd>

 …which references stuff in /layout/includes.xsl, which references stuff elsewhere… the rabbit hole just keeps going down.

I know some of the basic concepts about XML and XSL, so I can only just begin to understand how it works. It’s really fascinating, though, because I’ve never seen web design like this before.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

How to Write a Thank-You Note

How to Write a Thank-You Note

I am slightly embarrassed to admit that this was of some help to me.

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