Friday, June 22, 2007

New Smashing Pumpkins album to come in multiple versions; no 'complete' version

New Smashing Pumpkins album to come in multiple versions; no ‘complete’ version

(Warning: NSFW language.) Only one of the four versions has the album’s title track. There is no single version that has all of the songs. What the hell? Guys, this is not encouraging your fans to support you financially, if you know what I mean.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Facebook pictures screen saver for Mac

Facebook pictures screen saver for Mac

Interesting. Although somehow a little unsettling in a way I can’t quite put my finger on. (via the Macalope)

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Installing Mac OS X from an iPod

Installing Mac OS X from an iPod

This could be handy for all sorts of reasons.

Note: you can boot Intel-based Macs from a USB drive.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

no title

Fake ad for Microsoft Surface

I lolled. (via DF)

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

iPhone's broken user-agent

A user-agent string is how a web browser identifies itself to a web server.

Here’s the user-agent for Safari, running on the iPhone: Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU like Mac OS X; en) AppleWebKit/420+ (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/3.0 Mobile/1A538a Safari/419.3

There are soooo many things wrong with this.

  1. Let’s start off easy: it’s perpetuating the ‘Mozilla’ spoof originated by Microsoft years ago in order to kill Netscape. Not to mention being a downright lie (both then and now) in that neither one has anything to do with Mozilla, it’s completely unnecessary these days. They should remove it completely and put the ‘Safari’ string out front.
  2. ‘KHTML, like Gecko’. This is similar to the above, in that it is designed to pass a test by stupid web developers who will only consider your browser compatible if it uses Mozilla’s Gecko rendering engine (used by Firefox, et al). It’s not even technically true any more, because while KHTML is sort of similar to Gecko, Safari uses WebKit, which was originally based on KHTML but is now something different from KHTML, because it does some things differently than KHTML does. ‘AppleWebKit’ is the only accurate description.
  3. ‘CPU like Mac OS X’. Is this supposed to be some kind of running joke based on the above? Forgive me for stating the obvious, but Mac OS X is not a CPU! So how can the iPhone’s CPU be ‘like’ Mac OS X? This is likely here because of the tradition of putting the CPU type in the user-agent. Strangely, little more than a week before its launch, Apple has still refused to reveal what kind of CPU is in the iPhone. Whatever, guys… so why not just leave this part out?
  4. ‘Version/3.0’. ARGH WTF. The entire format of every other user-agent, including this one, so far, is: Product/version. So tell me, exactly which product do you have that’s named ‘Version’?
  5. ‘Mobile/1A538a’. See above.
  6. ‘Safari/419.3’. This is where the ‘3.0’ should go: Safari/3.0. There, that’s not so bad, is it? Oh, okay, I know, Apple really loves their internal build numbers, even though you can already get that information from the AppleWebKit string. So look, if they really want the build number in there, fine, this isn’t a difficult problem to solve; even Microsoft was able to figure it out: Safari/ Such a mess. (via Ars)
Wednesday, June 20, 2007

YouTube now accessible from Apple TV

YouTube now accessible from Apple TV

Here’s the demo from the earlier announcement. I wonder if it’ll be in Leopard’s version of Front Row, since that’s looking more and more like the Apple TV interface.

Oh, and it’ll be on that phone thing too.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

some new leopard screenshots from think secret

Some new Leopard screenshots from Think Secret

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

The Macalope has a new home at c|net

[The Macalope has a new home at c net](

He’s a bit more of the snobby segment of Mac users than I usually want to associate with, but he is occasionally interesting and/or amusing.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

pearls is the best strip in the papers imho

Pearls is the best strip in the papers, IMHO.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

All the deals announced so far strike me as “trinkets in exchange for air kisses”. Mua mua.

All the deals announced so far strike me as “trinkets in exchange for air kisses”. Mua mua.

Ubuntu founder on other Linux companies’ negotiations with Microsoft

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