Monday, November 26, 2007
Facebook is watching you visit unrelated sites, and reporting it to your friends
Facebook is watching you visit unrelated sites, and reporting it to your friends
The box alerts users that information is about to be shared with Facebook unless they click on “No Thanks.” It disappears after about 20 seconds, after which consent is assumed.
(Emphasis mine.)
The idea is that if users see a friend buy or do something, they’d take that action as an endorsement for a movie, a band or a soft drink.
Feeling exploited yet?
Users are able to decline sharing on a site-by-site basis, but can’t withdraw from the program entirely.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
no title

Monday, October 29, 2007
Daring Fireball on the Leopard 'blue screens'
Daring Fireball on the Leopard ‘blue screens’
Sometimes Apple deserve the bad press they get. This is not one of those times.
cf. Logitech Mac drivers. Incidentally, with Leopard, the multimedia buttons on my Logitech keyboard, and the horizontal scrolling on my Logitech mouse, all work with nothing extra (read: nothing from Logitech) installed.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Why We Curse
Why We Curse
A very insightful essay, whether you generally enjoy or disdain swearing; you may realise something about yourself. (Edit: fixed link.)
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Full list of Leopard features
Full list of Leopard features
October 26th, if you hadn’t heard. But not until 6 PM local time. Night-time product launches = lame.
Monday, October 15, 2007
i just noticed that lastfms weekly statistics

I just noticed that’s weekly statistics show the entirety of Radiohead’s new 10-track album, In Rainbows, occupying the top 10 tracks across their entire userbase. Not only that, but the tracks appear in the list in the exact same order as on the album (i.e., track 1 has most listeners, track 2 slightly less, etc.) Based on the number of unique listeners (top figures), and assuming anyone who reached the 10th track listened to each other track at least once at some point, we can conclude that 83.5% of users who gave the album a try ended up listening to it all the way through at least once.
You can see it here. (Edit: occurred to me might also have some commentary. And so they do.)
Monday, October 15, 2007
Picasa Web Exporter for iPhoto '08
Picasa Web Exporter for iPhoto ‘08
Uses an annoying custom ‘updater’ to install, requires root privileges for no good reason, and doesn’t respect your existing installation location. Aside from that, looks good.