Sunday, September 15, 2013

Laundry Minder v1.1

Laundry Minder v1.1

I managed to ship my app’s iOS 7 update to the App Store just prior to the release of iOS 7, with thanks to the app review team for their quick turn-around.

Not much is different in functionality, but it’s got a nice visual refresh. Say what you want about iOS 7’s visual style, but the default UI elements look a whole lot better out-of-the-box than they ever have before on iOS. Which is good for me, since I’m not a designer by any means, so I mostly just use the built-in stuff unmodified. This time around, I stuck in a nice background pattern from–I know, I know, patterns are supposed to be gone! But I’m quite pleased with the result.

There are a bunch of tiny, subtle improvements I’ve made over the past few years that I never got around to shipping until now. Of course, now that I’ve done those, I’ve found a half-dozen more little things that bother me about it. Sigh.

Also, I finally got around to fully supporting the iPhone 5 (despite having owned one myself since last year!) and the iPad.

I wish I had more time to dedicate to this little app. It’s by no means a big seller, but has a special place in my heart since it’s the app I made in order to learn Objective-C and Cocoa, nearly two (!) years ago, and helped me get a job doing what I really love to do. So, as much as I know it’s not worth spending time on, I can’t let it go just yet.

Plus, I still use it to time my laundry every week.

Thanks once again to my friend Andrew Wignall for the nice icon update, which he did without me even asking. Facing the alternative–my own terrible drawing skills–I would have probably been too embarrassed to ever release the app in the first place.