Saturday, May 26, 2012

Dash - Mac programming documentation browser

Dash - Mac programming documentation browser

Speaking of programming tools, here’s one I found a little while ago on the Mac App Store, when looking for something to replace the broken and neglected Ingredients. I started out kind of ’m’eh’ about it, but it’s improved rapidly, to my surprise and delight. Has docs for Objective-C/Cocoa, Ruby, Rails, JS, jQuery, and just about every other language you can think of. I have a keyboard shortcut (by default, Opt+Space) set to bring up its window for quickly searching in a Spotlight-like way. It’s mainly good for this purpose–quickly looking up methods or classes you already know the names for–but not as good for reading longer tutorials or articles, since the section navigator doesn’t work for those. It also has some kind of snippet functionality which I haven’t really used.

It’s free for now, with some kind of paid version coming later. Not sure of the details on that, but it’s another app I’ll be happy to pay for.