Saturday, May 26, 2012

Coda 2 + Diet Coda

Coda 2 + Diet Coda

I don’t link to stuff much any more unless I have something in particular to say about it–and I’m much better at critiquing than complimenting–but it didn’t seem right to break from tradition: previously, previously.

So, in just a few words: Awesome all over again.

Coda might just be my favourite app ever. At this point, I’ve been using it longer than most of my other apps - I’ve switched web browsers, email clients, and programming languages, but I’ve been making web apps with Coda, both at work and for fun, for years now. I don’t even remember what I used before. When you use any one thing for most of the day, five days a week, you get to know it pretty well, including all of its flaws and annoyances. I think the fact that I hold very little animosity towards Coda, the primary thing I use to do my job, is a testament to its design.1

Coda 2 does not feel ground-breakingly different, but it makes all the little things even better in ways that are constantly pleasing me throughout the day. I’m happy to give these guys money for the app again. I feel like I’m not giving them enough.

Diet Coda is fun, even if I don’t currently have a practical use for it. But then, I said the same thing at first about the iPad itself, and now it’s hard to imagine not having it.

Although, after all these years, I still don’t know why the icon is a leaf.

  1. Other tools I use on a daily basis, like Xcode and GitHub for Mac, I have more of a love/hate relationship with, where I admire their design but am continually frustrated with bugs and shortcomings. And then there are the apps that are just broken: Finder, iTunes, Skype, … ↩︎