Friday, July 13, 2007

'Rumble' (vibration) is returning to the PlayStation

‘Rumble’ (vibration) is returning to the PlayStation

First, Sony got sued for their rumble feature in the PlayStation and PlayStation 2 controllers.

Then, Nintendo announced the Wii controller, with motion-sensing. Nintendo didn’t say whether or not it had rumble.

Then, Sony announced the PlayStation 3 controller, with motion-sensing but no rumble. Sony explained that it was impossible to have both motion-sensing and rumble.

Then, Nintendo announced that their motion-sensing controller had rumble.

Then, Sony announced that rumble was a ‘last generation’ feature and that no-one wanted it.

Then, Sony settled the lawsuit.

Now, Sony is re-introducing the rumble feature. I can’t wait for their ad campaign. ‘That $600 games system you just got? Get ready to buy the controllers for it all over again!’